How Stock Photography will be replaced by AI-generated images and midjourney

How Stock Photography gets replaced by midjourney and AI

How Stock Photography will be replaced by AI-generated images and midjourney

Introduction to Stock Photography and AI-Generated Images

The current state of stock photography

Stock photography has been the go-to resource for businesses, designers, and content creators in need of high-quality images for their projects. The industry has provided a wide range of visuals that cater to various themes, subjects, and styles, making it easy for users to find the perfect image for their needs.

The rise of AI-generated images

However, the emergence of AI-generated images has started to disrupt the stock photography landscape. This cutting-edge technology allows computers to create realistic images from scratch or modify existing ones, offering a wealth of possibilities for both content creators and consumers.

Here are some images I created in Midjourney V5 by entering the following prompt:

disposable film photograph of beautiful boho girl in flower dress in sunny spain at golden hour, Emphasize natural imperfections in the background and clothing to create a cohesive aesthetic --ar 4:5 --v 5

Photorealistic Portrait Photography, created in Midjourney V5

Comparing Stock Photography with AI-Generated Images

Quality and variety

One of the main benefits of AI-generated images is the sheer variety and quality they offer. While stock photography is vast, it can still be limiting, with certain subjects or styles being underrepresented. AI-generated images, on the other hand, can be tailored to fit any specific need, ensuring that content creators have access to a virtually unlimited pool of visuals.


AI-generated images have the potential to be more cost-effective than stock photography. Traditional stock images often come with licensing fees and usage restrictions, while AI-generated images can be created on-demand and used without any restrictions. This makes AI-generated images more accessible for smaller businesses and individual content creators.


AI-generated images offer unparalleled customizability compared to stock photography. Users can modify AI-generated images to match their brand's colors, styles, and themes, while traditional stock images may require extensive editing or may not be customizable at all.

Okay, let's try some more traditional stock photography. Here's the prompt I used to get the following images:

a typical stock photograph of a table full of delicious meals, top down shot in a sunny mediteran kitchen --ar 16:9 --v 5

Stock Photography of dining table and delicious meals created with Midjourney AI
Stock Photography of dining table and delicious meals created with Midjourney AI

The Technology Behind AI-Generated Images

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

The foundation of AI-generated images lies in a type of deep learning algorithm called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). These networks consist of two models that work together to create realistic images: one model generates the image, while the other evaluates the quality and authenticity of the generated image.

Transformative AI advancements

Advancements in AI have led to increasingly realistic AI-generated images. As the technology continues to evolve, the potential for replacing stock photography with AI-generated images becomes more and more viable. Here is another prompt to get an image of an old man working in his office.

a superrealistic portrait photograph of a 70 year old man with grey hair and old textured skin, imperfections on skin to make it look more organic, working at his computer in a well lit office room smiling at camera, stock photography style, shot on agfa vista 200

AI Stock Photograph of old man working at his computer in the office

Using Midjourney for AI-Generated Images

Current applications of AI-generated images

AI-generated images have already found their way into various industries, such as advertising, fashion, and entertainment. They are being used for creating virtual models, designing custom artwork, and generating unique visual content for social media platforms.

Challenges and drawbacks

Despite the numerous advantages of AI-generated images, there are still some challenges to overcome. Image quality can sometimes be inconsistent, and the technology may struggle to generate highly detailed or complex scenes. Additionally, there may be ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI-generated images, such as the potential for deepfakes and the devaluation of human artistic skill. But with the latest Midjourney V5 the quality, details and overall consistency of the AI generated images came so much closer to photo realism that it's shocking. By playing around with prompts and adding typical characteristics of human-taken photography you can get unbelievable realistic results out of midjourney V5.

wide angle wedding photography of beautiful couple on the coast of ireland at sunset, aesthetic boho style brown and beige colors, shot on disposable film camera, light leaks --ar 16:9 --v 5


The Future of AI-Generated Images in Stock Photography

Opportunities for photographers and artists

As AI-generated images continue to grow in popularity, photographers and artists will have the opportunity to explore new creative avenues. They can leverage AI tools to enhance their work, collaborate with AI, or even create entirely new forms of art by combining traditional techniques with cutting-edge technology.

The role of AI in the creative process

AI-generated images are likely to become a valuable tool in the creative process for designers, marketers, and content creators. The ability to generate custom images on-demand will enable these professionals to quickly iterate on ideas and bring their visions to life with ease.

Potential ethical and legal concerns

As AI-generated images become more commonplace, ethical and legal concerns may arise. Issues such as copyright, consent, and representation will need to be addressed to ensure that the use of AI-generated images is responsible and fair.

photograph of wedding table --v 5

AI Stock Photograph of wedding dining table


The rise of AI-generated images is poised to disrupt the stock photography industry in the coming years. Offering unparalleled quality, variety, and customizability, these images are quickly becoming a valuable tool for content creators across various industries. As the technology continues to improve, it's essential to address the challenges and ethical concerns that accompany this transformation. Ultimately, the integration of AI-generated images into the creative process will unlock new opportunities for artists, photographers, and content creators, forever changing the landscape of visual media.

Just imagine what will be possible with Midjourney V6, V7 and so on - Just mindblowing. Perfect photorealism through AI will be reality and it won't take long until it's here.

If you're wondering which exact settings I used for the images in this article, here they are:

Midjourney best settings V5 

Frequently Asked Questions about AI image creation

How do AI-generated images compare to traditional stock photography in terms of quality and variety?
AI-generated images can offer a wider variety and higher quality than traditional stock photography. They can be tailored to fit any specific need, ensuring virtually unlimited access to visuals for content creators.

Are AI-generated images more cost-effective than stock photography?
AI-generated images have the potential to be more cost-effective than stock photography, as they can be created on-demand and used without licensing fees or usage restrictions. For example, you can get a midjourney plan starting at $10 / month for 200 requests. 

What technology is used to create AI-generated images?
AI-generated images are primarily created using deep learning algorithms called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which consist of two models that work together to generate realistic images.

What are some potential ethical concerns surrounding AI-generated images?
Ethical concerns surrounding AI-generated images include issues like deepfakes, devaluation of human artistic skill, copyright, consent, and representation.

How can photographers and artists benefit from the rise of AI-generated images?
Photographers and artists can leverage AI tools to enhance their work, explore new creative avenues, and collaborate with AI to create entirely new forms of art by combining traditional techniques with cutting-edge technology.

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